Monday, 31 October 2016



G: Should i cut my hair short?

B: Sure, if you want to.

G: I 'm asking if You think i should

B: I don't know.....i think if you want to cut it, you should cut it

G: But i want to know what You think

B: Okay, then, i think you should cut it

G: Are you just saying that so i leave you alone?

B: No

G: Are you just saying that so i leave you alone?

B: No

G: So,you really think it would look good short?

B: Yes

B: Cut your hair!

G: But i like it better long

B: Then don't cut it!

G: But you just said cut it

B: I.....

B: I don't want to have opinions anymore....&%$$#@@@#:P

Saat kita dewasa, kita akan semakin belajar untuk mati rasa pada banyak hal. Hingga satu waktu, hal-hal yang dulu menyakiti kita dengan muda...